Hurco Rings Nasdaq Closing Bell on 13 June 2018 to mark
50th Anniversary
We're celebrating our 50th Anniversary with another road trip. This time, we're heading to the Nasdaq stock exchange in NYC to ring the closing bell. Hurco first went public in 1971 when Mr. Roch, our co-founder, took a class to sell stocks. However, it was 1980 when Hurco was listed on the Nasdaq stock exchange.
The closing bell ceremony starts at 3:45 PM EDT and we ring* the Closing Bell at 4:00 PM.
Watch now >>
*Fun fact: there is no "bell" to ring for the closing bell (we sign a screen and push a button), but we're not complaining. We went ahead and made our own bell to commemorate the occasion.
Importing STL File as Stock Geometry in WinMax
I am very excited about this feature, just like many of our Hurco WinMax users are. Although many people have this feature on thier controls, they aren't aware of it, or don't know how to use it. I thought it was worth a quick blog post and video.
Check your Hurco WinMax software version on your control. If your machine has version 09.1.312.19 or higher, or version or higher you will have the ability to import an STL file for stock geometry.
This tutorial walks you through the process of programming from solid model and 3d DXF files in the latest version Hurco's WinMax software. Learn how to automatically create transform planes and select the features you want to cut.
Watch here >>
Come celebrate with us at our 50th Anniversary Open House in Singapore.
We will showcase our latest VC500i Cantilever style 5-axis machine together with the popular
VMX42SRTi Swivel head 5-axis machine. Get to know more about 5-axis machining techniques and barrel tool milling strategy from our series of workshops and catch the Hurco 3D Print attachment in action.
Join us now!!!
Click here to Register >>
(limited seats)
Email: marketing@hurco.com.sg
Taiwan International Machine Tool Show (TMTS)
07 – 11 Nov 2018 | 09.00am – 05.00pm
Hurco (S.E. Asia) Pte Ltd
Booth no. 2A 711
Taichung International Exhibition Center
(No.1, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan)
Greater Taichung International Expo Center
(No. 161, Gaotie 5th Rd., Wuri Dist., Taichung City 414, Taiwan)